David Whyte wrote:

I set a recording for the F1 on Sunday and when I went to check that
it was actually ocurring (I sometimes get zero byte recordings) I was
recording the wrong channel.  I was actually recording the TEN channel
guide, which shows the currently playing program in the corner
including the sound, but lists the upcoming shows and other ads etc.

I seem to recall something about this being mentioned before, but
couldn't find it anywhere so wanted ask whether there is anything I
can do to prevent it from happening in the future.  I imagine this is
just something to do with the way these DVB transport stream thingo's
are organised, but I have no clue :\

FTR, I have 3xAverMedia 771 DVB-T's running on FC2, with the 0.18.1
RPMS from ATrpms.

  Was the used tuner previous tuned to that channel?
It failed to tune the new channel and recorded the
old one? This happened to me one with a
Timeout Getting PMT message in the log file. On
my other card the same thing produced the zero
byte recordings. I think this is fixed or being
fixed in the SVN version.
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