On Thursday 13 October 2005 07:40, jesse k wrote:
> This would make sense.  It does appear that Comcast can query my
> set-top box but cannot receive information in return.  The only
> concern I have with the splitter is that if I remove the amplifier and
> power supply from the setup, On Demand is still not available.  I
> naively assumed that the splitter had no directionality when I bought
> it.  I should test this by putting the input on one of the outputs and
> vice versa.  I will also check that my amp is cable modem compatible.
> On 10/12/05, Carl Fongheiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 10/12/05, jesse k <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I have a MythTV/Gentoo box which is working very nicely. I've managed
> > > to enable all the functionality I want other than getting premium
> > > channels to work (the various HBOs). This is fine with me as On Demand
> > > obviates the need to record those shows. However, the hardware I've
> > > used to split and amplify my cable signal seems to interfere with the
> > > On Demand service.
> >
> >  On Demand most likely requires use of a return channel, which your
> > amplifier may be blocking.  If you can find an amplifier compatible with
> > cable modems, you likely will have found one that will work for you.  The
> > splitter is most likely not the problem -- the frequency range you quoted
> > is adequate for cable modems and digital cable on most systems.
> >
> >  Carl Fongheiser

you need splitters and amps that are "digital cable ready", they have wider 
bandwidth frequency response and allow for bi-directional communication. 
They're more expensive than the regular amps and splitters though. I've also 
found the cheaper units tend to "die" easier. I went through 3-4 cheap units 
from radioshack,etc. before splurging on a good amp, after which I never had 
an issue.
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