I have gentoo running on my xbox not gentoox.  I've had no problems
(except for the new alpha version of alsa).  Is there a reason it must
be xebain?



>>I may not be intelligent enough, however.  Currently I'm trying to
>>determine which X11 dev library is needed to compile and then, how to get
>>X working again once the lib is installed (X dies on reboot with this
>>message repeated: agpgart: Unsupported NVIDIA chipset (device id: 02a5),
>>you might want to try agp_try_unsupported=1 ).  Slow going.
>I get that message once every time I start X up, and it works fine.  You
>might have to look elsewhere for troubleshooting.
>Also, for those of you trying to compile from source...I recall reading
>somewhere that the compile will fail partway through because of the memory
>contraints of the XBox, but that restarting compilation will work.  I
>don't have the details handy, but IIRC it was in a thread somewhere that
>people were using Gentoo (not Gentoox) and trying to compile.
>Sorry I couldn't be more help, but I thought I'd throw in what little info
>I've got.
>mythtv-users mailing list


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