On 10/13/05, Tony Brummett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/13/05, Joseph A. Caputo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > With built-in IR and iSight, the new iMac would make a sweet frontend,
> > if a bit pricey.  Though, if you figure in the cost of an equivalent
> > flat panel display + frontend PC, it's probably not that expensive.
> > Anybody care to comment on how quiet (or not) recent iMacs are?
> We have a 17" iMac, got it right after the previous update, not
> yesterday's new model.  I can't hear the hard drive or DVD as it runs,
> and the fans normally don't run at all as long as the room stays cool.
>  It's in a small room that can get stuffy when all 3 computers are
> running, but in the living room, or being the only computer, I doubt
> the fans would turn on at all.
> The fans are _very_ noticable when they do run, though.

I have the same experience, with a relatively new 20" iMac.  Normally
the machine makes almost no noise.  Well, actually, it is twice as
noisy as my Mac Mini, but I think this still qualifies as silent.

The only time the fan comes on in the iMac is when I am using things
like iMovie to transcode videos, etc.  In that case, the machine can
actually be pretty noticeable.  Still not like a typical PC, but you
can definitely hear it.

Note that the fan doesn't come on at all when playing a DVD, and the
DVD drive is also completely silent.

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