Richard Jones wrote:

Quitting MythTV and re-entering it (whilst on channel 2) always fixes the problem (for channel 2), but then switching to yet other channels always has the same small chance of there being no sound (it could even be channel 1 that subsequently loses sound).

I had this same problem. You select one of those channels, have no sound, exit watching TV and re-enter and you get sound.
I fixed it without realising whilst chasing another problem....

You may get sound dropping out half way through a recording. There is a setting for the capture cards you need to change.

Exit mythfrontend, shutdown your backend.
Run mythtvsetup
Edit your capture cards, in "advanced settings" / "Recording Options" you can select "Record in TS format instead of PS"

TS mode I believe is the true format of the data as it comes off the wire
Discussions from developers suggest this will be the default in future releases.

This fixes the sound dropping out in recordings and most probably was the culprit of no sound in channel 7

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