
LIRC can be tricky.

First of all make sure that you have a lirc device by editing you

I use a serial device and therefore have the following lines in
# To use a Serial Port based IR module for LIRC
alias char-major-61-1 lirc_serial
#options lirc_serial irq=4 io=0x3e8 debug=1
#options lirc_dev debug=1
options lirc_serial irq=4 io=0x3e8
install lirc_serial /bin/setserial /dev/ttyS2 uart none; /sbin/modprobe \
--ignore-install lirc_serial

Jarod's guide is good about this - but it can be tricky to follow which
parts from which section that you need.

Make sure that the Option parameters for your device matches what is found
by FC4 at boot. Do:

dmesg | grep ttyS

And make sure that it matches.

Then do:

depmod -a 

modprobe lirc_serial

Now look at /var/log/messages:
Oct 13 17:37:16 settop kernel: lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver
registered, at major 61 
Oct 13 17:37:18 settop kernel: lirc_serial: auto-detected active low
Oct 13 17:37:18 settop kernel: lirc_dev: lirc_register_plugin: sample_rate:

Hopefully ok so far.

To test that you device works do:

cat /dev/lirc0

Press a few buttons on the remote - you should see a long list of garbage on
your screen. Ignore it.

Then you need a /etc/lircd.conf file. Jarod has a few sources - otherwise
google it. Make sure that your file is ok - or build one with irrecord. If
its wrong irw (our next test program) will do NOTHING (took me way too long
to figure this out).

Then you can start lircd

/etc/init.d/lircd start

Again make sure that you /var/log/messages is ok:
Oct 13 17:37:18 settop lircd-0.7.2[5157]: lircd(any) ready

Then try irw

Press a few buttons - hopefully you get a response - if not I would suggest
that you make your own config file by using irrecord. Fairly simple - just

irrecord my_remote

and follow the instructions - Make sure that you have a good distance
between the remote and the sensor - 6ft or more. Once you have gone through
all the steps in irrecord copy my_remote to /etc/lircd.conf and issue:

/etc/init.d/lircd restart

Check you /var/log/messages and try irw again.
If you are getting any better result this time you can consider merging your
file with the one you found.



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Rissberger
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2005 4:52 PM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: [mythtv-users] /dev/lirc missing during FC4 setup

    I'm looking for some assistance with setting up lirc on my myth 
box.  I've followed the FC4 install guide from step by step 
and yet at the end of the lirc install, I don't have a /dev/lirc.  The 
only one that is there is /dev/lircd.  So the daemon starts, but as soon 
as I run irw, it stops running.  I've basically narrowed it down to the 
lack of the /dev/lirc file.  I'm using a PVR-150 (non mce) with the 
newer grey/black remote as well as a PVR-150 MCE.   Any ideas?  I've 
been pouring over the  mailing lists here as well as  on  the lirc lists 
as well, but I haven't  found the  secret.  Hopefully I'm just being a 
dunce and one of you will be able to show me the light.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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