It's an mplayer thing, well not just mplayer, but that's the default player for avi files.  Couple things.  It doesn't have support for large files configured by default:

You need to enable support for large files and your glibc must support
./configure --help
--enable-largefiles enable support for files > 2 GBytes [disable]

Second, i would search the mplayer mailing lists.  I think you also need to run the option -idx if you need to seek, that can take a long time, so there is the -saveidx and -loadidx but i've never used those.  You might see a mplayer mailing where it didn't work for me, xvid 2gb limit or something, back then i never got it working, but i did at some point.  Since my system crashed with my new harddrive, i haven't gotten aroudn to "refixing" it yet, but i'm sure it'll work for you.  Also, are you transcoding into divx or xvid?  I think those are the only two options, i could be wrong, anyways you might want to download the newest codecs, newest mplayer source, and compile them.  Just my thoughts on the subject.  Hope it works for you.

On 10/14/05, jondz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm new(re-subscribed) to the list.

Has anybody encountered this before:  I seem to
have a 2 gigabyte limit on avi files (transcoded
movies).  When either the Internal player or the
mythcommflag reaches that they just hang.  I know
the files are fine because gnome totem plays
them movies fine to the end.

quick facts about my box:

1. it used to be debian STABLE (kernel 2.4).
2. I turned it into UNSTABLE, and upgraded to 2.6.
3. I use XVID for transcoding.
4. I have compiled my own mythtv packages using
   the debian mythtv versions.

Whereas I am perfectly happy right now sticking
with < 2 hour movies I will be grateful for somebody
who points me in the right direction, thanks.

thanks for a great software!


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MacNean C. Tyrrell
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