Ok, I'm about to fold myself into a little ball and start crying ...

To continue my XvMC saga, and to make sure that it wasn't the rpm's, I
downloaded the latest source from svn and compiled myth, making sure
the --enable-xvmc was set. After a successful compile and install, I
fired up mythbackend and mythfrontend again. Unfortunately, besides a
spiffy-looking new interface, I got the same behaviour as before:
Without XvMC enabled, myth plays back PVR-150 content perfectly, but
content from the pcHDTV is choppy and unwatchable (though I
occasionally get a beautiful still frame from an HDTV show :)  ). With
XvMC enabled, I get nothing but blank screen from both tuners, and I
have to kill mythfrontend to exit.

Just for fun, I ran -v playback into a log, and here's what I got (using XvMC):

2005-10-14 21:14:09.689 Using runtime prefix = /usr/local
2005-10-14 21:14:09.896 New DB connection, total: 1
2005-10-14 21:14:09.934 Total desktop dim: 1920x1200, with 1 screen[s].
2005-10-14 21:14:09.936 Using screen 0, 1920x1200 at 0,0
2005-10-14 21:14:09.939 mythfrontend version: 0.19.20050712-1 www.mythtv.org
2005-10-14 21:14:09.939 Enabled verbose msgs : important general playback
2005-10-14 21:14:10.937 max_width: 1920 max_height: 1200
2005-10-14 21:14:11.091 Total desktop dim: 1920x1200, with 1 screen[s].
2005-10-14 21:14:11.092 Using screen 0, 1920x1200 at 0,0
2005-10-14 21:14:11.111 Switching to square mode (MythCenter)
2005-10-14 21:14:11.916 Joystick disabled.
2005-10-14 21:14:12.175 Registering Internal as a media playback plugin.
2005-10-14 21:14:12.472 Registering MythDVD DVD Media Handler as a media handler
SIP listening on IP Address NAT address
SIP: Cannot register; proxy, username or password not set
2005-10-14 21:14:14.331 Starting media monitor.
2005-10-14 21:14:37.168 All Programs
2005-10-14 21:14:38.806 Connecting to backend server: (try 1 o
f 5)
2005-10-14 21:16:00.858 New DB connection, total: 2
2005-10-14 21:16:01.798 Attempting to change from None to WatchingLiveTV
2005-10-14 21:16:01.806 Using protocol version 19
2005-10-14 21:16:02.890 TV::StartRecorder: took 167 ms to start recorder.
2005-10-14 21:16:02.949 TV::StartRecorder: Set lock timeout to 3000 ms for rec #
0: start_time: -9223372036854.775 duration: -9223372036854.775
stream: start_time: -9223372036854.775 duration: -9223372036854.775 bitrate=1152
2005-10-14 21:16:06.071 AVFD: Stream #0, has id 0x33 codec id MPEG1VIDEO, type V
ideo at 0x0x9592b80
2005-10-14 21:16:06.346 XvMC version: 1.0
2005-10-14 21:16:06.408 XvMCSurfaceTypes::find(w 1920, h 1088, chroma 1, vld 0,
idct 1, mpeg2, sub-width 0, sub-height 0, disp, p<= 198, 1980 <=p, port, surfNum
2005-10-14 21:16:06.408 Trying XvMC port 198
2005-10-14 21:16:06.512 Found a suitable XvMC surface 0
2005-10-14 21:16:06.512 @ j=1 Looking for flag[s]: XvInputMask
2005-10-14 21:16:06.512 Adaptor: 0 has flag[s]: XvInputMask XvImageMask
2005-10-14 21:16:06.512 XvMCSurfaceTypes::find(w 1920, h 1088, chroma 1, vld 0,
idct 1, mpeg2, sub-width 0, sub-height 0, disp, p<= 198, 1980 <=p, port, surfNum
2005-10-14 21:16:06.512 Trying XvMC port 198
2005-10-14 21:16:06.513 Found a suitable XvMC surface 0
2005-10-14 21:16:06.520 XvMC surface found with IDCT support on port 198
2005-10-14 21:16:06.675 detectInterlace(Detect Scan, Detect Scan, 29.97, 1088) -
>Interlaced Scan
2005-10-14 21:16:06.675 Interlaced: Interlaced Scan  video_height: 1088  fps: 29
2005-10-14 21:16:06.675 AVFD: Looking for decoder for MPEG2VIDEO_XVMC
2005-10-14 21:16:06.675 AVFD: Opened codec 0x96af280, id(MPEG2VIDEO_XVMC) type(V
2005-10-14 21:16:06.675 Estimated bitrate = 1152
2005-10-14 21:16:06.675 Resyncing position map. posmapStarted = 0 livetv(1) watc
2005-10-14 21:16:06.683 Filling position map from 0 to 55
2005-10-14 21:16:06.691 Position map filled from Encoder to: 44
2005-10-14 21:16:06.691 SyncPositionMap liveTV, from Encoder: 3 entries
2005-10-14 21:16:06.691 SyncPositionMap, new totframes: 44, new length: 1, posMa
p size: 3
2005-10-14 21:16:06.692 Partial position map found
2005-10-14 21:16:06.692 AvFormatDecoder: Successfully opened decoder for file: "
rbuf://". novideo(0)
2005-10-14 21:16:06.695 VideoOutputXv()
2005-10-14 21:16:06.703 Over/underscan. V: 0, H: 0, XOff: 0, YOff: 0
2005-10-14 21:16:06.710 Window pixel dimensions: 1920x1200 Screen pixel dimensio
ns: 1920x1200
2005-10-14 21:16:06.710 Estimated display dimensions 524x331 mm. Aspect: 1.58308
2005-10-14 21:16:06.728 Estimated window dimensions 524x331 mm. Aspect: 1.58308
2005-10-14 21:16:06.728 XvMC version: 1.0
2005-10-14 21:16:06.728 @ j=1 Looking for flag[s]: XvInputMask
2005-10-14 21:16:06.728 Adaptor: 0 has flag[s]: XvInputMask XvImageMask
2005-10-14 21:16:06.728 XvMCSurfaceTypes::find(w 1920, h 1088, chroma 1, vld 0,
idct 1, mpeg2, sub-width 0, sub-height 0, disp, p<= 198, 1980 <=p, port, surfNum
2005-10-14 21:16:06.749 Trying XvMC port 198
2005-10-14 21:16:06.749 Found a suitable XvMC surface 0
2005-10-14 21:16:06.749 XvMC surface found with IDCT support on port 198
X Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) 8
  Major opcode:  141
  Minor opcode:  14
  Resource id:  0x1f2
2005-10-14 21:16:06.882 Couldn't get the color key color, and we need it.
You likely won't get any video.
2005-10-14 21:16:06.890 Snapping width to avoid scaling: dispwoff 1920, dispxoff
: 0
2005-10-14 21:16:06.890 Image size. dispxoff 0, dispyoff: 0, dispwoff: 1920, dis
phoff: 1200
2005-10-14 21:16:06.890 Image size. imgx 0, imgy: 0, imgw: 1920, imgh: 1080
2005-10-14 21:16:06.915 Couldn't find OSD theme: visorosd
2005-10-14 21:16:07.073 InputChanged()
2005-10-14 21:16:07.073 VideoOutputXv::DiscardFrames() 1: AAAAAAAA
2005-10-14 21:16:07.073 VideoOutputXv::DiscardFrames() 2: AAAAAAAA
2005-10-14 21:16:07.073 VideoOutputXv::DiscardFrames() 3: AAAAAAAA
2005-10-14 21:16:07.073 VideoOutputXv::DiscardFrames() 4: AAAAAAAA -- done()
2005-10-14 21:16:07.080 TV::StartPlayer: took 2206 ms to start player.
2005-10-14 21:16:07.080 Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV
2005-10-14 21:16:07.091 Realtime priority would require SUID as root.
2005-10-14 21:16:07.113 detectInterlace(Detect Scan, Interlaced Scan, 29.97, 108
8) ->Interlaced Scan
2005-10-14 21:16:07.113 Interlaced: Interlaced Scan  video_height: 1088  fps: 29
XvMC: picture structure FRAME
2005-10-14 21:16:07.362 nVidiaVideoSync: VBlank ioctl did not work, unimplemente
d in this driver?
2005-10-14 21:16:07.363 DRMVideoSync: Could not open device /dev/dri/card0, No s
uch file or directory
2005-10-14 21:16:07.534 OpenGLVideoSync: GLX extensions: GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX
_EXT_visual_rating GLX_SGIX_fbconfig GLX_SGIX_pbuffer GLX_SGI_video_sync GLX_SGI
_swap_control GLX_ARB_multisample GLX_NV_float_buffer GLX_ARB_fbconfig_float GLX
2005-10-14 21:16:08.636 Using OpenGLVideoSync
2005-10-14 21:16:08.638 Using audio as timebase
2005-10-14 21:16:08.638 Video timing method: SGI OpenGL
2005-10-14 21:16:08.638 Refresh rate: 16666, frame interval: 33366
2005-10-14 21:16:10.459 Timed out waiting for free video buffers.
2005-10-14 21:16:13.675 Timed out waiting for free video buffers.
2005-10-14 21:16:16.875 Timed out waiting for free video buffers.
2005-10-14 21:16:20.076 Timed out waiting for free video buffers.
2005-10-14 21:16:23.276 Timed out waiting for free video buffers.
2005-10-14 21:16:26.480 Timed out waiting for free video buffers.
2005-10-14 21:16:29.688 Timed out waiting for free video buffers.
2005-10-14 21:16:32.889 Timed out waiting for free video buffers.
2005-10-14 21:16:36.105 Timed out waiting for free video buffers.
2005-10-14 21:16:39.309 Timed out waiting for free video buffers.
2005-10-14 21:16:42.509 Timed out waiting for free video buffers.
2005-10-14 21:16:45.714 Timed out waiting for free video buffers.
2005-10-14 21:16:48.918 Timed out waiting for free video buffers.
2005-10-14 21:16:52.134 Timed out waiting for free video buffers.
2005-10-14 21:16:55.335 Timed out waiting for free video buffers.
2005-10-14 21:16:58.535 Timed out waiting for free video buffers.
2005-10-14 21:17:01.751 Timed out waiting for free video buffers.
2005-10-14 21:17:01.782 Attempting to change from WatchingLiveTV to None
2005-10-14 21:17:01.783 TV::StopStuff() -- begin
2005-10-14 21:17:01.788 TV::StopStuff(): stopping ring buffer[s]
2005-10-14 21:17:01.819 TV::StopStuff(): stopping player[s] (1/2)
2005-10-14 21:17:01.819 TV::StopStuff(): stopping recorder[s]
2005-10-14 21:17:02.052 TV::StopStuff(): stopping player[s] (2/2)

So, as far as I can figure out, myth is using XvMC, and isn't
reporting any problems about it. When I look at my Xorg.0.log, I see
that all of the XvMC stuff is loading correctly. So, this should be
working perfectly, but it isn't ...

What am I missing here?

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