On Fri, Oct 14, 2005 at 02:53:13PM -0500, Keith C wrote:
> On Oct 13, 2005, at 11:19 PM, Keith C wrote:
> >I've googled like crazy and still can't solve this problem.  I've  
> >never been able to get OpenGL VSync to work, because I've never  
> >gotten GLX to load.  I'm currently on nvidia7676 (atrpms),  
> >2.6.13-1.1526_FC4smp, Geforce 6200 PCI-e with component out.   
> >Here's the error message from Xorg.0.log :
> >(EE) GLX is not supported with the Composite extension
> >
> Problem solved.  There were some old libraries around from previous  
> versions of the nvidia drivers that had been installed with the  
> nvidia installer instead of the atrpms packages.  The only way to fix  
> it, unfortunately, was to strip out all the atrpms and reinstall with  
> the nvidia installer.  I never could get all the sym links rebuilt  
> with the atrpms.

Which means that you will run into the same problem sooner or
later. I'd suggets to remove all trace of nvidia from your system and
have a clean rpm based install. You will know that future drivers will
simply drop in w/o you ever worrying again about symlinks.

Don't forget to rename /etc/X11/xorg.conf.nvidia to /etc/X11/xorg.conf
and if you have multiple drivers use nvidia-graphics-switch.

> Of course, I've now disabled OpenGL sync because it didn't work as  
> well as RTC for me.

Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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