It might help if you play with the 
"DisplaySize" attribute of X,
in my xorg.conf or XF*4 file 
I have

Section "Monitor"
        Identifier      "Generic Monitor"
        Option          "DPMS"
        HorizSync       28-38
        VertRefresh     43-72
        DisplaySize     400 225

Which as far as I can detect is correct
(for movie playing) on my 16:9 television.

Then I force the aspect some more in the
myth configuration (aspect override).


On Sat, 2005-10-15 at 20:19 -0400, Frank Lynch wrote:
> I just starting to transcoding my recordings to mpeg4, everything is
> workinig well, expcept that when I start playback of a transcoded
> video the aspect ratio is set incorrectly. I normally use the "4:3
> zoom" aspect ratio (NTSC setup with pvr-350 using ivtv's vx support),
> but when I playback a transcoded video it appears to be using the 4:3
> aspect ratio.
> I can switch back to 4:3zoom via the on-screen menu and everything
> looks as it should. Does anyone know why the aspect ratio is different
> for transcoded video? Is there any way that I can  configure
> myth/mplayer to use the 4:3 zoom ratio for playback of transcoded
> recordings?
> BTW I not changing the size of the image (I'm using 720x480 before and
> after transcoding),
> cheers,
> --Frank
> PS - I'm not finding a lot of documentation on recording profiles,
> transcoding and the like, so its very possible that I've missed
> something. If someone point could point me at some relevant docs or
> howto's I would appreciate it.
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