My mythconverg database is now about 35MB, and I'm starting ot look at
embedded devices to host it, so it would be nice to have the DB
smaller if possible.

Not knowing much about SQL, I did this to figure out which tables are
eating all that space:

             mysqldump mythconverg | grep -n "^-- Dumping" > /tmp/db

That spews out the line numbers in the dump for the start of each
table. recordedmarkup accounted for 92% of the lines in my database.
Surely some mistake???

I'm only vaguely aware of what this table is for ... commercial
cutlist? - which I don't use anyway.

- What's going on?  What's the table for, and why is it so big?
- Can I empty this table in my db? I tried it and the database dump
went from 36MB to 6MB, though I've not played with the frontend to see
what damage I caused. mysqld memory usage in top also reduced
significantly (which was the point of the exercise)
- Is there a bug where old markup is not removed from the table, or
excessive markup entries are being produced?

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