On 10/14/05, Kevin Kuphal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mark Gardner wrote:
> >Commercial Flagging is not working anymore.
> >I'm getting this error in the backend logs.
> >Commercial Flagging ERRORED for The Drew Carey Show "Science Names
> >Suck" recorded from channel 1010 at Fri Oct 14 13:00:00 2005, unable
> >to find mythcommflag, check your PATH and backend logs.
> >
> >mythcommflag is on the path. ( /usr/local/bin )
> >
> >It's running on Open SUSE 10
> >
> >
> Is that path in the path of the user that is running mythcommflag?
> Remember, if mythbackend is running from a startup script, many
> environment variables, including the PATH aren't set yet.
The pathing appears to be all correct.  mythfrontend is started via
symbolic link in ~/.kde/Autostart
mythtv user has /usr/local/bin in its path.
             _\ | /_
            (@ @)
  ~ Mark
         Gardner ~
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