----- Original Message ----- From: "Robert Denier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion about mythtv" <mythtv-users@mythtv.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 1:30 AM
Subject: [mythtv-users] (Slightly OT) Multi room Multimedia playback

I'm curious if anyone has ever heard of a good solution to say play back
an audio stream in many rooms at the same time, while keeping it in sync
enough so they didn't clash.

I'm guessing something like a server program running on all machines
waiting for audio and some kind of command like

AudioLink 3,4

to link the computers audio in rooms 3 and 4 to the audio on whatever
computer is running.  Once linked anything played on that computer would
also play on 3 and 4.  I think I heard something along these lines with
mp3's before, but I don't remember the details.

For now at least I'm using a couple twisted pairs in a network cable to
run audio to different places.  I tend to need to isolate them with
audio transformers, and the quality is not quite what I'd ideally like,
but it does work..  (The best way to run pure analog audio multiple
places is likely using the differential (balanced) connections used in
professional audio equipment, but then you get to the messy conversions
required for normal equipment..)


there is nice project www.plutohome.org that does multi room synhro and includes mythtv, but audio is treated through Xine and VLC, but in multi room fashion...




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