Phill Edwards wrote:

Despite this, I keep hearing that a new version of myth isn't warranted
yet?  What do I have to do - get an SVN version (not really a good
option)?  None , or very few, responses to the messages and problems I
have recently posted about.  Do I take this to mean noone really knows
much about myth when it gets down to the gory details, so support is not

Support not available? You have to be kidding, surely! This is one of
the best peer support groups I have ever come across. The quality of
support you get here is fantastic.

It is very good, especially on day to day stuff.

Sure we all get problems from time
to time but they can almost always be worked out with the help of this
great MythTV community.

OK, it's just I have had zero luck on this problem, and no-one seems to know what is happening.
 Here's a recent post I made...
I posted about this problem a few days ago, but now have more info.
I have, for example, a recorded show that at certain points, while playing it in mythfrontend, it cause myth to crash with a segmentation fault. This same file plays OK in Kaffeine. Now I have discovered that if I ask myth to transcode it (to mpeg4) the transcode process starts, I see the tmp file start to be created, but when I check back later the log says the transcode process errored, and the tmp file is gone (the original file is the original size).

So, do transcode and the playback software share some common fault, that they do not gracefully handle video with certain content? (it's mpeg2 straight from a DVB card, TS mode, btw)

This is the post I made most recently...
Per PID driver buffer size,    and packet buffer - what do they do?
I am trying to clear up occasional glitches I get (pixelisation noise and chirps in the audio) and noticed these two settings in the adfanced settings for my DVB card in mythtv-setup. I am trying larger sizes, but I am just guessing.

What do these settings actually do, and am I on the right track?


I would very much like to fix this, but no-one (yet) seems to have any suggestions.

And one important thing you seem to be forgetting - it's all free.
Considering a number of people have tried to help you out on a number
of problems, you'd do well to remember that.

I certainly do. and I try my very best to put back something when I can. Ocasionally I can help someone else, then I do. I read this list nearly every day. As I learn more, I am sure I'll be able to help more.

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