Kalle Pokki wrote:

ffrr wrote:

What I see is a sudden patch of digital noise / pixelisation, often associated with a chirping sound in the audio. This might happen every few seconds for a while then go away for a minute or two, only to return randomly. Also it is of various severities, sometimes just a minor fuzzy pixel patch, sometime a large streak of random colour pixels. Sometimes the audio just skips a bit, other times it is a very loud noise burst.

Does that sound like anything you've seen before?

I had exactly similar trouble with a crappy Chaintech DVB card. Just one viewer I downloader from the net was able to display anything without the noise bursts. Not even the Chaintech software was able to show TV well. I threw the Chaintech card away and bought a Nova-T from Hauppauge. No trouble in picture quality after that.

Well, the votes for a better card are certainly coming in. OK, maybe it's time to start investigating what types are available locally and see if any match up with recommendations for myth.

One thing though, I still think mythtv shouldn't seg fault just because the data is faulty (IOW reception is bad)
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