On Tue, Oct 18, 2005 at 11:11:27PM +0200, Peter Meyland wrote:
> Hi everyone
> Does somebody know how to create jumppionts in MythWEB? How do I enter the
> combination of i.e. Ctrl K?

I believe the syntax is "Ctrl+K"  Remember that if you want to do it from 
your remote control you'll need to bind the key in your mythtv .lircrc,


I was too paranoid of sending some possibly bad key command so I avoided 
the ctrl-chars.  I have 'Program Guide' set with a jump point with "%"  
Since I only use MythTV from my remote control, an intuitive keyboard 
character name was not important to me.

and then in my .lircrc (grey Hauppauge remote)...

   prog = mythtv
   button = Guide
# Jump Point to Guide
    config = %

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