On 10/19/05, David Watkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The card type is 'Standard V4L capture card' and can not be changed.   What
> should dvd0 show up next to, I have viewo devide /dev/video0.  shuld this be
> /dev/dvb0?

Is this still the nova-t card that you mentioned in an earlier post?
I'm pretty sure V4L is wrong for this.  As I recall I V4L was the
default, but I was able to scroll through other options and select
dvb.  At this point other parts of the window light up, and I was able
to select dvb0 as a particular card.  Try deleting all cards and
adding it again.

retried lots of times.   Am i missing some packages?

> > 2.  Check that mythbackend is not running when you configure the
> > capture card, or try and run the channel scan.
> Is there a channel scan someware as well as 'Scan channel(s)'?  sa I said I
> can not navigete to/press this.

I think it's the greyed out one you need.  When you get the card
detected right it will un-grey itself.

> > 3.  As an experiment, try running mythtvsetup as root.  If the channel
> > scan button lights up, thats a clue that you've got permission
> > problems on your dvb devices.  Don't carry on with the setup though.
> > Back out, fix the permissions, and run mythtvsetup again as your
> > mythtv user.
> What I dont quite understand is  why I have ot select a video source if I am
> getting my istings over dvb?   I  A

Perhaps you don't - I'm getting some of my guide from the radio times grabber.
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