On 10/19/05, Brad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I also agree the ffmpeg should do the trick. So, we need a method that the
> user can select which recordings should be "podcast-enabled". Seeing as
> transcoding is required, and could be beneficial for other uses besides
> podcasts, I think that it would be beneficial to take a little more generic
> path for implementation. For example, I don't have automatic transcoding
> enabled on my setup but I would find it useful if I could occasionally set
> one particular recording subscription to transcode from MPEG2 to DiVX
> (.avi). We could also facilitate this with this implementation.
> I think that it would make the most sense to add "Transcode/Podcast Options"
> to the Recording Options menu. Selecting it, the user should be able to:
> a) indicate this recording subscription is to be transcoded
> b) select between a few preset transcode qualities ("Quicktime for iPod",
> "H.264 for iPod" (not sure that ffmpeg can do that)). The user should be
> able to create or delete a custom transcode quality setting.
> c) indicate if the original non-transcoded item should be deleted or remain
> once transcoding is complete
> d) indicate a location for the resulting transcoded file to be placed.
> e) indicate if the transcoded file should be podcast
> f) select a location for the RSS feed, which would either be created if it
> didn't exist, or the entries would be added to the existing RSS feed if it
> did exist. This also would allow the user to have multiple RSS feeds so, for
> example, each show could have its own RSS feed or xe* could have one feed
> for all shows.
> The user would then need to only add the URL for the RSS feed location to
> iTunes to have it automatically copy new recordings to the iPod 5G (in
> accordance with his podcast settings).
> I think this is seriously cool, btw, and I'm pretty sure this would have me
> buying (yet another) iPod in no time if it were implemented.  :-D

i don't have a video iPod, nor do i plan on getting one in the
immediate future; my 3g iPod works just fine. :)  but i do think it
would be really cool to see this feature implemented in Myth quickly
just as a show of how quick FOSS can respond to the market.
cool new product becomes available - new feature added to FOSS to take
advantage of said feature within hours/days/weeks...
that said, how about a bounty?
i'd be willing to kick into a pot to buy a video iPod for Isaac or one
of the other Myth developers as incentive to simplify transcoding and
add the video iPod features.  i'm guessing the guts are already there,
they just need to be tied together and cleaned up.
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