Nick Rout wrote:

OK so there are threads on here about the video ipod so I thought this
one is ok too.

My son was recently given a little mp3 player sourced in Hong Kong. It
has a little screen and can play videos as well as music. There is a
sample video on the machine when you buy it, and it plays tolerably well.
Trouble is i cannot figure out the file format or codecs used so that i
can encode video for it. There are some programs on the accompanying CD,
but they are all chinese language and for windows.

The file has the suffix .mtv and running file on it simply gives the
result "data". mplayer, xine, ffmpeg, tcprobe all fail to recognise it.

The device is branged "mp4" and was made somewhere in asia.
Any ideas on how to figure out how this stuff is encoded and packaged?
Quote of some stuff I found with Google:

The most so called china mp4 devices I'm aware of, support only
variations of mtv like dmv or mpx. There is no chance at all to play
native wmv or mpg without prior conversion because those devices have
neither hardware nor software decoding support. The concept of the mtv
format (and all derivates) is, to have an mp3 stream that carries image
information that is allready in the format of the display hardware
(uncompressed). A hardware mp3 decoder is already in place, the display
hardware only need to point to the memory adress of the next image
(simple implementation in soft- and hardware).

Hope this will help...


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