> >
> >svn co http://svn.mythtv.org/svn/trunk/mythplugins
> >  
> >
> Perfect.
> >But it still pulls down .17 dated February 6 2005
> >  
> >
> Well, actually, it's a newer version.  The README for MythWeb hasn't 
> been updated in quite some time.  Chris has been very busy with other 
> stuff lately, but the idea of updating it is in the system ( 
> http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/332 ).
> The best way to find out what "version" you're using with SVN is:
> svn info
> and looking at the line:
> Revision: xxxx
> So, anyway, you should have the right version, now, and can proceed to 
> the install.  Make sure, however, that you install the same version of 
> mythtv, mythplugins, and myththemes--otherwise, you'll have problems.  
> So, do an svn checkout of mythtv, then and svn update of mythplugins, 
> then and svn checkout of myththemes, then compile/install mythtv 
> (shutting down mythtv before installing), then compile/install 
> mythplugins and myththemes (doesn't matter whether you install 
> mythplugins or myththemes first).  Then, restart mythtv and let us know 
> if you still have difficulties.

Hi Mike,

Thanks for your help so far :)

have just finished doing exactly these steps. I'm now running mythtv .19
and mythweb .19, but the problem remains. Mythweb says its deleted the
program, but the files are still there and so are the entries in the db.

Any ideas where to look now?



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