I doubt many people use this, but I have an
interest on running multiple front end instances
on a single machine.

Is there an easy way to do this?

I recently set up a system with both a TV and a monitor connected to one GeForce4 MX4... board. I wanted different content on the two displays: MythTV on the TV and normal PC desktop on the monitor. I tried running MythTV frontend on both and that worked. Of course only one of them would output sound.

I tried several options:
1: A xorg.conf with twinview options. One X session that would cover both screens.
2: A xorg.conf with two ScreenLayouts and then starting X on each of them.
3: A xorg.conf with one ScreenLayout but two screens. Starting X would create menu bars etc on both screens.

I managed to make 1 work, but I find an easy way to control where each application would start, so MythFrontend started on the monitor and Firefox on the TV. Not exactly what I wanted, especially as I could not drag Mythfrontend to the TV

I did not manage to make 2 work.

I managed to make 3 work. Both displays are running as the same user, as I only start X once, but for my purpose that does not matter. As mentioned I could start two instances of MythFrontend and watch different recordings on them. I guess I could control the first via a LIRC device and the second via the keyboard, but I only have a keyboard on that PC. I do not know if sound to two different outputs can be handled.

Niels Dybdahl

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