The saga continues....

The bad news - I'm still getting choppy sound on some recordings, only when played back on my frontend Via with XvMC enabled (I can't seem to disable it).

The good news - now that I have switched to TS, MPEG2 recordings that show this issue can be transcoded into MPEG4, without the problems of the PS recordings, and viewed on my Via with smooth sound :-) - whether this is simply because MPEG4 playing is not using XvMC, or simply does not go near the MPEG2 code that contains the problem is yet to be learnt (If I ever manage to disable XvMC for MPEG2).

So, in conclusion, we've been able to catch up on all the episodes of 'Lost' and others that were waiting for a sound fix ...

Thanks for your help guys,


David Whyte wrote:

On 10/15/05, Jules Gosnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Apologies to "Whytey" for giving him the brush-off when he suggested
this as the root of the problem, and thanks to both of you for pointing
it out to me.

Hey, no problems.  I would be really happy if I was even close to
being right.  Keep us posted of course ;)


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