If noise is the problem, go to www.silentpcreview.com they have lots of information on quieting a loud case.

On 10/21/05, Mercury Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 10/21/05, michel moalem <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
hi there all
i'm a complete linux newbie and have tried the knopmyth cd yesterday for the first time. I like what it offers but had some problems allready. However before i will start takling the problems i encountered running some of the options i would like to know if there is a way if running the mythtv box (either under this distro or another) so that it boots much quicker. I have tried GeeXBox as well and while it is short on many features compare to mythtv it is booting extremly quickly once installed on the HD (well quick enogh for my wife not to nag me about getting a dvd player instead...)
so please any advice?

Others have suggested that you leave your system on all the time, and that's what I did as soon as I got the system up and running in daily recording.

But it didn't take long to find that the noise of the computer bothered me when I read the paper, listened to the radio, and stuff like that.  So, I installed nvram-wakeup.  Once you have your MythTV system running more or less like the VCRs do (come on when it's time to record, record, then shut off), it's quite easy to specify how long in advance you want the machine to power on.

I have mine set to three (3) minutes, but it could be set to anything (I think).
So, if you know that you want to use your MythTV system around say, 5pm,
you could set the various parameters and have the system power/boot up well in advance.  When you sat down at 5pm, the machine would be up and running, waiting for whatever pleasure you have in mind.


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