On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 11:36:36AM +1000, Sammo wrote:
> Has anybody managed to get (1) MythMusic gears visualization; (2)
> MythGallery opengl transitions; and (3) MythTV opengl vsync working
> with an ATI Radeon video card?
> I have an ATI Radeon 9550 using the latest ATI Proprietary Driver
> 8.18.6 for XFree86 4.3. I have the fglrx kernel module compiled and
> loaded successfully. Watching TV looks great (albeit without opengl
> vsync), even 1080i HDTV from DVB-T source. Tested fgl_glxgears,
> glslideshow (xscreensaver) and tuxracer, which all work nice and
> smooth, which should mean opengl is set up properly on my system.

IIRC, the ATI fglrx drivers don't let you use XV and OpenGL overlays
during the same X session.  So it will depend on the

    Option "VideoOverlay"               "on"
    Option "OpenGLOverlay"              "off"

options in your xorg.conf file, which are mutually exclusive.  So you
can have 2D acceleration or 3D acceleration, but not both.  See:


I'm not so sure on any of this now, primarily because ATI provided
rotten support (both in terms of the drivers and when I'd try to
contact them directly), so I don't use the ATI card in my linux box
any longer.


Morals?  I eat communism and $h!t America, brother.  --Seanbaby
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