John P Poet wrote:
My mythbackend crashed while recording three shows.  I noticed almost
immediately, and restarted it.  Two of the three shows started
recording again.  The third, however, did not.  When I looked to see
why, that third recording had an "Aborted" status.

Are all your cards on the same machine or are there slaves? If
there were any recordings on slaves, the master now discovers
this on a restart. The slave continues to record and the master
knows about it now unlike in the past when you had to restart the
slave also to get things in sync.

What does "Aborted" mean, in this context.

As with all states, you can press Enter to see the message about
the state at the top of the page with the override buttons. "This
showing was recorded but was aborted before recording was completed."

Why was the show aborted?

Because, well, to quote your first three words "My mythbackend crashed".
David Engel did some amazing things in the recent restart changes but
it still doesn't continue to record while the recording backend
has crashed =). All the recordings for a backend that has gone down
are initially marked as rsAborted. If the master is up and it was
a slave that failed and there is another input available, the
master will restart on the other card. If not it will remain Aborted
until the slave is restarted and it's card becomes available, in
witch case it will restart on the slave. This all assumes that their
is only one showing. If a recording was aborted and there is a
later showing that will fit, it will schedule the complete recording
at the later time. However, you can still "Reactivate" an aborted
recording provided a card is available.

If you don't have slaves but all three cards on your master, I would
assume that it restarted the two that could only record in that
time slot and the one still marked Aborted has been scheduled for a
later time.

--  bjm
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