No response since Friday, so asking again...  Doesn't anyone have any
ideas for why an errant keystroke in MythWeather setup would cause
MythVideo and MythGallery to segfault, how to make them stop
segfaulting, or at least where I could look in the code to try to
figure it out for myself?

On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 11:45:40AM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> OK, so now that I've got mythweb vs. mythbrowser straightened out and
> have mythweb up and running, I've gone on to setting up myth(gallery|
> video|weather).  I initially had some problems with stuff not being found
> which turned out to be because I mixed the mythtv debs (which installed
> under /usr/lib) with the plugin tarball from (which installs
> under /usr/local/lib)...  Copied the themes and plugins directories over
> to /usr/local and it all came up fine... at first.
> I decided to configure mythweather first, since that looked to be
> the simplest and would let me verify that things were indeed working.
> But when I got to setting my location, I saw that list of letters and
> immediately pressed "M" to jump to "M" in the list, forgetting that
> mythtv tends to not like you using any keys that aren't on a typical
> remote control...  It immediately segfaulted and died.
> On attempting to restart mythfrontend, the background flashed up on the
> screen momentarily before it segfaulted and died again.
> With a bit of experimentation, I determined that I could get mythfrontend
> to start up by removing mythvideo and mythgallery from the plugins
> directory, leaving only mythweather there.  This allowed me to go back
> into the mythweather setup and set my location properly (albeit only
> after much up-and-down-arrowing through insanely long lists of cities).
> The issue created by my errant "M" persists, however, and attempting to
> load mythvideo or mythgallery still gives me an immediate segfault when
> I try to start mythfrontend.
> The immediate question, then, is what's going on here?  Where do I need
> to go and what do I need to reset to clear out whatever that "M" did so
> that I can load the other plugins without crashing?

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White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
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  - Eolake Stobblehouse (
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