On Mon, 2005-10-24 at 14:20 -0400, Jesse Guardiani wrote:
Michael Bochynski wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-10-24 at 13:41 -0400, Michael T. Dean wrote:

> However, honestly, the advantages of NVIDIA card you presented are not 
> overwhelming. The MythTV box will be used for MythTV only, nothing 
> else, hence OpenGL does not matter, am I right? I don't even have, and 
> don't plan to have, a regular monitor/LCD at home which I could use :) 
> Signal (MythTV) goes to TV out only.

It matters. MythGame and MythMusic will make use of OpenGL.
Also, something he didn't mention is that the PVR 350 will not display 
your kernel boot, BIOS POST, or lilo/grub menus. The nvidia card WILL. 
That's a serious advantage, IMO.

If my MythTV is set up to be used as DVR, always-on, and VNC starts automatically,  can always get logs for a system boot. And, as a DVR, I will not use lilo/grub menus. BIOS POSTs? Yes worth having, however only if-something-happens. The if something happens, I can switch to using TV_OUT from ATi for debugging purposes, if really it cannot be done with VNC and console access. Note, that as I mentioned earlier, I do not have, nor I plan to have, a regular monitor and do anything else but MythTV.

So the advantage, while nice to have, is not too serious for my personal configuration.

> Right now I output TV to my receiver and then to TV. While HDTV is a 
> nice-to-have, i do not expect to have it in the next 6 - 12 month, 
> while I will watch TV in the next 6 - 12 months :) Hence having DVI, 
> HDTV and so on is not the highest priority. I will probably want to 
> add it,
> I am going solely after the  picture (TV) quality.

350 is the best, but I have a 350 and an nvidia FX 5200 too, and I use 
the 5200 for tv-out. I'm starting to think the 350s are a waste of money 

Waste of money, because of... ? Do you suggest using a regular, chip, software-based, tuner card instead?

> I do not mind proprietary drivers, since I hope I have my 
> compile-from-source times behind me, starting with the (very) early 
> Linux times.

Good quality on the 350 will require the 0.4.0 ivtv driver. You may or 
may not have to compile that from source depending on your distro.

FC4. Please tell me that I don;t have to compile the drivers :) Not that I am afraid or don't know how to, just can't wait for everything to be pre-compiled. but let's not start this topic :)

> I know, however, that ATI (proprietary) drivers are worse than NVIDIA 
> ones. BTW, which NVIIDA card is worth looking at?

FX 5200 128M AGP is nice.

Hmm.. quick search on NewEgg revealed several OEM versions of this card. Could you suggest the particular OEM version? They all use the same chipset(s)?

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