> > I had to build my own plugins, but using the mdz sources made that a snap.
> Can you please give some details here?


# debian mirror
deb http://mirror.direct.ca/linux/debian/ unstable main non-free contrib
deb-src http://mirror.direct.ca/linux/debian/ unstable main non-free contrib

# liblame
deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ sid main
deb-src ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ sid main

# mythtv
deb http://dijkstra.csh.rit.edu/~mdz/debian unstable mythtv
deb-src http://dijkstra.csh.rit.edu/~mdz/debian unstable mythtv


apt-get update
apt-get build-dep mythtv mythplugins
apt-get install fakeroot
apt-get source mythplugins
cd mythplugins-0.18.1/
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b
dpkg -i ../myth*deb

 Something like that anyhow. :)

"We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different!"
 -- Kurt Vonnegut
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