Matt, I am glad you brought this up.
I assembled my own board and had no idea what was going on with those screws.

Excuse my ignorance, but how should these be screwed? I am not sure
what the following means:

>Check to make sure all of the holes in the motherboard that
> are metal lined are mounted with screws to the case, via those screws that
> have the built in female end at the top.

What is a built in female? There were only 4 screws and 4 "mounts" for
lack of a better word... (perhaps this is the female.) I wasn't sure
what went where so I just guessed.

I guess I should make sure that all metal lined holes on the
motherboard have a screw in them with a "mount" below it? I recall
there being some metal rings as well and I couldn't figure out if
those went in between the screw and the motherboard on top or on the
bottom of the motherboard.

This might explain why when I take apart my computer and put it back
together it works for awhile...

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