> Hi,
> I transcode my .nuv files into XviD but it's extremly long (about 30 minutes 
> for
> only one minute of movie). The encoding frames is about 0.6 fps.
> I use this command : nuvexport --transcode
> $nuvexport --transcode --debug
> Does anyone know how can I improve the encoding?

You didn't mention your system specs; transcoding is pretty
CPU-intensive. Also, if there's anything else running on the system
(for example another recording using software encoding) then nuvexport
will get a lot less CPU (by design) because the commands it spawns run
at the lowest priority level.

I haven't ever tried converting to XviD before, but on my Athlon 2800
converting a one-hour recording to SVCD or DVD can take over an hour.
Back in the early days of nuvexport, it used to take about 8 hours to
convert a one-hour recording to SVCD on my Athlon 1.33 GHz machine.


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