Most of the useful information had scrolled off
the screen, but there were some messages about resetting
the IDE and some "drive not ready" errors. I checked SMART
and everything was fine.

This started me wondering...

I also get this warning:
  ivtv: Encoder revision: 0x02040024
ivtv warning: Encoder Firmware can be buggy, use version 0x02040011!!!!

I am using two hard drives (1 IDE and 1 SATA) as a logical volume.

when I check with smartctl ( /usr/sbin/smartctl -l /dev/hda ) I get this response:

SMART Error Log:
SMART Error Logging Version: 1
Error Log Data Structure Pointer: 05
ATA Error Count: 19
Non-Fatal Count: 0


[ and then 5 Error Log Structures each with Error Confition: 3 and Error State: 0 ]

In trying to understand this better I started to read about a 48 bit log and a 16 bit log and how using one with the other will not work and quite honestly I didn't understand a word of it. But dmesg reports my "Boot video device is 0000:05:00.0" and I'm wondering if that "05" and the "05" from the smart report are one and the same.

By now you can tell I'm not an expert. My hope is someone can recognize enough from this picture that they can point me in the right direction.

Haven't looked into the firmware version yet.

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