> I wouldn't mind checking out that config file. I use the ninemsn grabber
> (sydney) at the moment, but wouldn't mind trying the OzTivo guide.

Here you go. Note that this is a .py file called, in my case,
tv_grab_au_tuhs.py. Also, you will need to register on
www.tvguide.org.au to get a username and password. It's free.

# This is a configure script for the tv_grab_au_tuhs XMLTV grabber.
# see: http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~willu/xmltv/tv_grab_au_tuhs.html

global channels, authinfo

# Modify the following to list the channels you wish to grab.  The 'Display'
# entry is the human readable display name (currently ignored by mythTV 0.18
# when using DVB).  The 'tuhs' entry is the channel name on the tvguide.org.au
# web site.  XMLTV ids can also be re-written by adding a 'local' entry:

channels = (    {'Display': 'ABC Digital', 'tuhs': 'ABC-NSW', 'local':
'nsw.abc.gov.au'}, \
                {'Display': 'ABC 2', 'tuhs': 'ABC2', 'local':
'abc2.abc.gov.au'}, \
                {'Display': 'Nine Digital', 'tuhs': 'Nine-Syd',
'local': 'sydney.nine.com.au'}, \
                {'Display': 'SBS Digital', 'tuhs': 'SBS-NSW', 'local':
'sydney.sbs.com.au'}, \
                {'Display': 'Seven Digital', 'tuhs': 'Seven-Syd',
'local': 'sydney.seven.com.au'}, \
                {'Display': 'Ten Digital', 'tuhs': 'Ten-NSW', 'local':

# Note: Here is an example of a re-written XMLTV ID:
#                       {'Display': 'ABC Digital', 'tuhs': 'ABC-NSW',
'local': 'ABC-NSW.tvguide.org.au'}

authinfo.add_password(realm, 'minnie.tuhs.org', 'YourLogonName', 'YourPassword')

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