Brian, I see this exact same issue - the choppy video which you describe as a "stopping and starting" effect - on my firewire video as well.  Everything else with my Firewire setup works well, except this.  The thing is, I see it on standard def. TV as well as HD - although not all the time and not on every channel.  It's very random.  My CPU usage looks no different viewing Firewire-recorded video than it does when I'm viewing video recorded from my PVR-250.  (which works flawlessly, not choppy at all)  Turning off the "use video as timebase" setting on the frontend seems to help a bit, but not 100%. 

Just for reference, my Firewire box (DCT6200) is hooked up to a Dell P3 1Ghz, which is conifgured as a slave-backend streaming the video to my master backend/frontend box which is in my living room.  While I can't prove it, I don't think my network is the issue here - nor is the harddrive.  I've sorta been assuming that maybe it's a slow PCI bus/motherboard issue on the Dell box, but I'm not sure. 

Anyway, I realize you're having other issues with FireWire but I just thought I'd see if you were seeing this choppy video stuff on non-HD content as well. 

>With preliminary testing (when the firewire is working), I get sort of a
>continual "stop and start" when playing back HD content as if
>*something* can't keep up.  It doesn't look to me like my CPU is being
>killed - I see it at around a load of 2-3 (which is a little higher than
>regular content), but didn't seem terrible.  And watching hard drive
>activity (which is set to use DMA) also doesn't seem bad at I'm
>not sure if it's a bus or an IRQ issue or what.  I'll be happy to just
>get the firewire straightened out first and then look into this issue.

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