Hey guys, great forum, very helpful so far.

I have Dish Network with 1 box for 2 TVs.  One signal is controlled by
an IR remote, the other with an RF remote.  I'm trying to decide on the
best setup and which signal to put the myth box on.

My concerns are if I put it on the IR signal, the signal in the living
room, that someone (the kids) may come in and change the channel while
Myth is recording, without knowing it's recording.  Controlling this
signal with Myth shouldn't be hard since I have the IR blaster that
comes with the hauppauge card; why did they make that cord so short?!?!

If I connect it to the RF line, I'm not worried about getting the
channel changed, since that line goes into a bedroom that is rarely
used, but then Myth can't change the Satellite channel since it can't
communicate on the RF signal.

So I'm sure I'm not alone in this boat, so what have other people tried?

Also is it possible to build a device that would allow the computer to
communicate with the dish box over RF, something like an RF

Do you guys with digital cable and cable boxes have this same problem? 
I suppose I could get another satellite tuner just for the computer and
let the IR blaster do the rest.

Thanks for any suggestions!

David Barkman
mythtv-users mailing list

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