Byron Poland wrote:

I had to compile from SVN to get the protocol on my
frontend (ubuntu) (Which I also use as a slave backend to commflag and
transcode)  to match up with the backend (knoppmyth R5A22) so they
very well could be different versions.  I just located the source for
the knoppmyth version, and am compiling it now.   Will just equalizing
all the version fix any problems or do I have prolems that need to be
addressed?  I may start my upgrade over again, I'll just loose some of
my newer recordings which aren't too many in number.
According to the changelog ( ), R5A22 is using MythTV 0.18.2svn, which is probably the current SVN version of 0.18-fixes?

You'll have to get more info from some KnoppMyth experts, though. If it is 0.18-fixes, it's expecting DBSchemaVer 1083 and you have 1099. Between the two have been a lot of changes, including a bunch of DDL--dropped tables, added tables, and added columns. Therefore, you're probably better off starting over from your pre-upgrade backup or just upgrading to current SVN... Most things might work OK with the older version, but I wouldn't risk it.

If you start over, you can import the new recordings with

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