David Watkins wrote:

I've compiled a few frontends from source, but my backend (18.1) was
built using rpms.

I'd now like to compile mythtv for the backend.  I'm reasonably
comfortable with doing the build, and I've read the upgradetoCVShowto
(although I'll be using the 18.1 tarball), but I'm still a bit unclear
on the best way to install the files, without breaking anything that
I've already got.
I'll leave this one alone. Package managers and manual installs seem like water and oil to me...

I've noticed that make install puts the binaries into /usr/local/,
whereas the rpm binaries are currently in /usr/local/bin, so am I
correct in thinking that nothing would get overwritten and I manually
move files or adjust the order of the path to enable the compiled
Actually, /usr/local is the installation prefix. That prefix is used as a base directory to which all files are installed in their appropriate subdirectory. Therefore, the binaries will be in /usr/local/bin, the libraries in /usr/local/lib, the shared data in /usr/local/share, etc.

What about other files ( libs, configs, scripts?, stuff in
~mythtv/.mythtv/ etc).  Does any of that get overwritten.
Configuration is stored in the database, and, therefore, not affected by the install. Scripts--like mythlink.sh and myth.rebuilddatabase.pl--are typically "contributed" code that's not part of the official install, so it is not installed (but you could manually copy them to /usr/local/bin or wherever). Your ~/.mythtv won't be affected.

Lots of people must have done this - what are the gotchas?
Remember that I haven't said /anything/ about the package manager/manual install issue... I don't want you to think I'm saying to just install over the RPM. You'll have to get that info from someone who's more of an RPM expert than me (=anyone in the entire world). :)

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