On Wednesday 26 October 2005 11:46, Michael T. Dean wrote:
> Robin Gilks wrote:
> >Getting there... now I get the error:
> >Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> >net/sourceforge/dvb/projectx/common/X
> >
> >Googling shows lots of people with the same error but so far I've not
> >found a solution. Again it comes down to the installation I think in that
> >the files are found when the jar is compiled but then NOT found at run
> >time ;-((
> >
> >Note that this error occurs with just a simple {equivalant of} "projectx
> >--help"!!
> Your CLASSPATH is incorrect.  You shouldn't be running it from the loose
> class files, anyway.
> java -jar ProjectX.jar
> will take care of all your CLASSPATH issues.
> Mike

once MUST run it like this! I had my Java coding buddy help me compile it 
(didn't even bother looking through doom9 actually...) and I got it running 
like that. He also looked at the code and laughed, he said its really poorly 
written, but it gets the job done so i guess thats the important part...

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