On Thu, 27 Oct 2005 10:57:46 -0400, Michael T. Dean wrote:
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the LV for the recordings directory
> have to be split over physical volumes to create a recordings directory
> that's larger than your largest disk?  If so, I guess you're talking about
> other LV's--like if you use an LV for "/" or "/usr" or something?

Depends on the size of your disks. :) I've got several 400GB disks, and my
recordings directory fits easily on one of those - only got a hundred or
so hours recorded usually.

My videos partition doesn't fit in 400GB so I have no choice but to split
it over disks. Wouldn't be an issue if I lost it though, since I'd just
have to rerip all my dvds.

All my other logical volumes are on single disks and all live backed up



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