Mercury Morris wrote:

On 10/26/05, *Greg Burke* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:


    I've just got my mythtvbox up and running but i have a problem
    with it.

    i'm using a a wintv pvr 350 card which seems to working fine because i
    can watch my old videotapes and satellite tv through it but i can't
    record from s-video composite or tuner. when i press "r" while
    it just says "record" at the top of the screen but nothing
    actually records.

    My main reason for building this machine was to record from an
    vcr and satellite receiver so i haven't downloaded any xmltv
    channels lists.

    Does mythtv support recordings from external sources? if so, what
    i be doing wrong?

There is another way, besides the SVN instant-record feature, to record from the Composite input of the PVR-350.
There are no program listings for it in my system, so I use Manual Recording

Right. The correct way--in either SVN or any previous version--is using a Manual Recording rule. The "R" key won't work without listings. However, SVN adds a new, "more intuitive" way that's less correct--and less useful--for the reasons quoted in Bruce's commit (at the link I posted):

I guess I never explicitly said that the manual recording works in previous versions, but I was trying to imply that it's always correct (and assumed that the existence of manual recording rules in previous versions would be enough to allow the reader to jump to the conclusion that approach works in previous versions).

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