>> On Fri, 28 Oct 2005 12:00:05 +1300 (NZDT)
>> Robin Gilks wrote:
>>> Greetings
>>> Had a bit of a surprise when I looked at the mythweb channel editor...
>>> It looks like every time I run mythfilldatabase I get an extra bunch of
>>> channels added. Is this because I haven't bothered adding a xmltv
>>> reference on some channels as I don't subscribe to them but my xmltv
>>> list
>>> has them? although I'm seeing channels that I have got set up correctly
>>> being duplicated as well.
>>> I think I'm up to about 800 extra (duplicated) channels now :-((
>>> Running SVN as follows:
>>> URL: http://cvs.mythtv.org/svn/trunk/mythtv
>>> Repository UUID: 7dbf422c-18fa-0310-86e9-fd20926502f2
>>> Revision: 7535
>>> xmltv data is fed manually using
>>> /usr/local/bin/mythfilldatabase --file 1 -1 /tmp/epg/latest.xml
>>> /usr/local/bin/mythfilldatabase --file 2 -1 /tmp/epg/latest.xml
>>> to feed my two video sources
>> Robin, where are the latest.xml listings coming from. Using mr.geek.nz I
>> get some strange channels added (although I don't think I am up to 800
>> yet!)
> I lied - I've just dumped the mytheb channel page of 20990 lines and at 17
> lines per channel (with headers etc) I get 1246 channels where I should
> only have about 30.
> These channels have been allocated incrementing callsigns, on video source
> 1 they start at 1000 and for source 2 they start at 2000 (which seems
> normal). I'm now up to 1797 and 2554 (which isn't).
> The xml data is from mr.geek and is updating existing channels OK, its
> just creating all these extra ones. Guess I'll have to ty running
> mythfilldatabase manually so I can post the messages it generates. I can
> then sed/awk the rubbish out of the xml file.

Further investigation shows that it IS the xml file I'm downloading. Most
of the extra channels are the ones I didn't bother to put the xmltv data
in for since I don't subscribe to them, the other extra channels are due
to an occation change in spelling - 'E' is sometimes 'E!' etc.

Is there a simple way to delete all entries in the channel table that have
a null channum field? (I know nothing about mysql).


Robin Gilks

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