Andrew Close wrote:

On 10/28/05, Jesse Guardiani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think the problem that many of us have with trying SVN is that we only
have one mythtv system,
and while we'd love to try SVN, we have family that expect Myth to be
reliable. :) So all we have
left is curiosity...
i too am curious about the future of MythTv.  but i know better than
to ask about it. ;)  it would be cool if there were updates from
decisions made by the devs that were posted on occassion.
I'd rather they spend their time writing code for Myth. That way, I'm pleasantly surprised when I see new functionality--as opposed to wondering why this "vapor ware" is never being completed. ;)

Jesse, one thing you could try is looking at some of  the newer distro
releases.  KnoppMyth R5A22 was recently released and includes MythTv
from SVN. it is a fairly quick and easy install on newer hardware. if you're comfortable with tweaking Linux then i would say go ahead
and install it on your production machine (do a little research first,
and make backups ;)
AFAICT, it's 0.18-fixes, which primarily only contains bug fixes and no new features. KnoppMyth experts, please feel free to correct me...

but i would be hesitant to tell anyone that just 'uses' MythTv to
upgrade their production system regardless of the distro being used.
Right. Thank you, Jesse and Andrew for taking this approach. This is the right approach to take unless you're willing to invest considerable time in "doing your homework" both before /and/ after the upgrade. Anyone who decides to upgrade to SVN has the *responsibility* of keeping up with the -dev and -commits lists (which takes a good bit of time).

Those who don't keep keep up with the lists/do their homework often cause a lot of developer time to be wasted.--especially now that Trac is in place. Very often, when something changes in SVN, a well-meaning user (wanting to help the project) who hasn't been keeping up with the changes will think he/she has identified a bug. So, instead of posting to the lists to verify that it's a bug, the user submits a ticket to Trac. Then a dev closes the ticket with a short message saying that it's invalid. Since the user hasn't been keeping up with the changes, he/she doesn't understand the short message, so the user reopens the ticket, forcing the developer to spend significantly more time writing up a longer, more detailed description of the changes that have been made (and that were described in the previous commits/messages to the dev list)--sometimes this keeps happening several times. All of this interaction has taken some of the time the developer could have been using to write more code and add more features. And, since it all occurred on the Trac server instead of the lists, other users were unable to contribute and lessen the burden on the devs.

So, is it possible to make Trac refuse new tickets without a patch or a reference to a thread on the users or dev list? IMHO, that would be very beneficial for the devs. And, what's beneficial for the devs is beneficial for the users and their Myth boxes. ;)

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