At 01:43 PM 10/28/2005, you wrote:
Hi all-
My remote control with my PVR-150 was working great when I used the packaged install (mythtv-suite). Then I decided I wanted to tweak some of the plugin settings, so I decided to build from source.
I have built from source and got basically everything working like it used to, but my remote control doesn’t work with mythtv anymore.
When I compiled, the ./configure script reported “lirc support : yes”
I can still run my remote with irw, the messages are received correctly (lircd is running).
I can also use the remote with irxevent piping the remote commands to mythtv.
However, I’d really prefer to get native remote control support in mythtv so I could use my existing lircrc file.
I searched the archive with nothing pointing directly to my problem.
Any log files I should post to help the members of this great community to figure out what’s going on?

There are some reports that ivtv causes the remote to stop working after a while. Does it come back for a short period if you reboot? On the ivtv list there was a patch which basically puts in an IR reset into the code. There are also patches to do the same with a once a minute cron job. This might not be your case where you say it works with irw.
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