
I found the problem and have fixed it, it was the frame buffer setting in my xorg.conf. I do have another question if anybody knows how? I would like to run Dual Heads without any aspect ratio or desktop showing issues on the TV. I have looked at most of the threads on the issue but most of them are quite dated. Anybody running dual heads in FC4 with a PVR-350 using the output on said card I would greatly appreciate your help. BTW my regular video card is an ATI 9600 XT.

I am running FC4 with a PVR-350.  I can go into the MythTV frontend and
click on Watch TV and that pipes out to the TV and I can do everything fine. My problem is that the MythTV Frontend doesn't show at all on the TV but on
my PC monitor.

Let me guess - the desktop also shows on your monitor? If this is the
case, you need to make sure you are using the PVR-350 X driver to
ensure everything appears on the TV. The way you are running now makes
me think you are running everything on the monitor, but, having
selected 'Use PVR-350' in frontend setup, LiveTV and recordings are
being correctly routed through the PVR-350 to your TV.

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