On 10/29/05, Leigh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     On 29/10/05, Jason Garrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     >
>     > Hi, im using a pvr350 as my input and output to mythtv. I
>     followed the
>     > Fedora Howto as it pertained to my equipment. Right now when KDE
>     starts up
>     > all of the Icons and the Fedora menu are off to the left of the
>     visible
>     > screen. Also when I start mythfrontend the display of the menus
>     and such go
>     > off of the screen to the left and to the bottom. This makes it
>     hard to see
>     > where  I am going, and what I have setup. I retraced my steps in
>     the setup
>     > and I dont think I missed anything.
>     >
>     >  Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get things back into
>     viewable
>     > area of the screen?
>     >
>     >  Also the tv picture seems centerd while I am watching the tv.
I have the same thing, currently running Myth on a FC4 box, was using
the PVR-350 for both input and output, and had the same "shifted to the
left" problem. No biggie really if you're only using it for Myth, once
you've dragged a few icons across to the middle of the screen. Bit
annoying if you want to use the menus tho (tho having said that, the
menus at that low a resolution aren't the best experience in the world ..)

Regarding running it in window, I found that the frontends setup GUI
size and offset options did the trick in terms of getting the frontend
Up until about 7 days ago that's how I was running mine, I changed it
recently to use my Geforce 5600 as I installed Stepmania (it wants/needs
OpenGL) and wanted to try it on the TV (looks great if anyone's
Currently I've got a copy of the xorg.conf with the 350 as the display,
and one with the 5600 as the display, simple matter of copying whichever
I want to use over the current xorg.conf and restarting X when I need to

mythtv-users mailing list

Does anyone have any reccomendations for offset settings to start with... I cant even see the whole text of the setup menus while displayng on the tv... I really don't even know what numbers to start out with. Also if anyone had any screen shots of the Appearance seciton of TV setup that would be cool too. If not, Ill probably drudge around and figure it out eventually...

Anyways thanks for all the good input!!!
"Great men are not always wise" - Job 32:9
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