I'm interested in finding a digital cable receiver that will allow me to stream (via firewire) directly to my MythTV box.  I just called WOW and they said that they provide Scientific Atlanta 3100/3200 boxes.  They seemed somewhat vague about *exactly* what they provided.  If I get really serious, I'll try to pin them down, but that isn't my question...

I notice that people talk about 3250's as having firewire ports.  But, what the guy from WOW said was that they had to license these ports in order to use them and that WOW does not license them.  The bottom line (at least according to him) is that there is no way to use a firewire port on a receiver even if your receiver has such a port.

Does this sound right?  Anybody with WOW (ideally in SE Michigan :-) care to comment?

Thanks a bunch if you can confirm (or even better, refute) this information.


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