Scot L. Harris wrote:

On Sun, 2005-10-30 at 15:41, Michael T. Dean wrote:

Right, although, if you have an NFS mount with access to the recordings, it will be used in preference to having Myth stream the file to the frontend. So, maybe not irrelevant, but not required.

So given a setup with two backend systems (master backend has the
database) and the slave backend uses NFS to mount the recordings
directory how does Myth keep track of recordings?  Is the location of
each recording kept in the database?
Each host (backend) has one recordings directory. Therefore, the master and slave can use different directory structures. Each recording specifies the hostname on which the file was recorded, so in the event that the file is not in the local storage for the frontend, the backend that recorded the show will be asked to stream it.

If the NFS mount is subsequently removed so the slave backend now uses
local storage will the recordings made by the slave backend prior to
this change be inaccessible because the database thinks they are local
to the slave but they are really on the NFS system?
Sounds right, but I've never tried this. Probably actually slightly more complex depending on which system is requesting it--if there's a frontend on the master backend, it should be able to find it in the local storage, so it should be able to play it. But a frontend on any machine other than the one with the local copy couldn't play it because it doesn't exist where it's supposed to. However, a simple "UPDATE recorded SET hostname = 'masterbackend' WHERE ..." would fix the problem.

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