On 10/31/05, David Barkman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Interesting issue when ripping a DVD.  I ripped Troy recently then watched it to see how it turned out and the words, like the movie title and credits and the story they display before the movie starts are all in another language, the title is something like TROIE, definitely not TROY like usual.

Just to be clear, I'm not talking about subtitles.  The language throughout the movie is english.  Anyone else seen anything like this?  Anyone else rip Troy with better results?


David Barkman

mythtv-users mailing list

I'd say you got one of the many DVD's that defaults to French for the Canadian audience. (They've got some bizarre restriction in Quebec, I think, that requires French to be "promoted" or something like that).  It sounds like it has an alternative intro and outro (?) in French that you accidentally ripped instead.  Did you rip through mtd?
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