On Tue, Nov 01, 2005 at 11:36:19AM +0000, Tom Hughes wrote:
> > Current SVN no longer automatically updates your channel list.
> Isn't that a bit of a backward step? Forcing people to shut down the
> backend and fire up setup and do a scan to get new channels when they
> can be detected automatically?

Look at it from another point of view.

In certain countries instead of channels going off air
like they do in the uk, they cease to exist and reappear
again when they are needed. This normally happens where there
is a HD channel as well as SD for the same station.

For people in these areas it was playing havoc with their
schedules etc because stations kept appearing and disappearing.

Better to have the slight inconvienience of a rescan every now
and then, than break things every night :-)

FWIW. Most set top boxes these days don't explicitly rescan,
some notice and ask first.


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