On Monday 31 Oct 2005 14:34, Joshua Fechner wrote:
> I just installed mythtv using Jarod's guide which was very helpful. I'm
> using my PVR-350 as my TV out and initially everything worked fine.
> Recently, however, after reading this list I did the URW font downgrade as
> described. When I did the downgrade, I wasn't able to do the last command
> (the one that starts with apt-get) and the /etc/apt/preference file was
> non-existent. I was not concerned because I know that it is mainly to test
> whether or not the downgrade worked. Anyway, I rebooted my system and when
> it came back up the output to my TV was scrambled. There were images there
> but nothing inteligible in order to actually use my system. Anyway, I can't
> seem to find out whats wrong in order to fix it and was wondering if anyone
> out there had any suggestions. I am running FC4 on a PIII 933, 1.11 GB RAM,
> 60 GB HDD, PVR-350 using TV out.


> Device "Hauppauge PVR 350 iTVC15 Framebuffer"
> Monitor "NTSC Monitor"
> DefaultDepth 24
> DefaultFbBPP 32
> SubSection "Display"
> Depth 24
> FbBPP 32
> Modes "640x480"
> EndSubSection
> EndSection

Try changing the mode line to "720x480"

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