Ben Dash wrote:

--- Myth Lists wrote:
You can also run irw and press a few keys on the
remote to make sure lirc is receiving the right ones.
I've been trying irw throughout the process.  I get no
output from pressing the remote buttons.  If I look at
/var/log/messages I can see the "accepted new client
on /dev/lircd" message when I run irw.  When I CTRL C
out of irw I can see the "removed client" message.  I
don't see any keycodes while running irw though :-(

Thanks for all the ideas so far!  Please let me know
if you have any more!
Broken /etc/lircd.conf (or one that works, but not with your version of LIRC).

Also, make sure you have an appropriate ~/.lircrc for any non-Myth programs. This won't affect irw, but it will affect things like xine or MPlayer. Note that most programs use ~/.lircrc, but Myth uses ~/.mythtv/lircrc --no dot before Myth's lircrc.

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